Maintaining a good reputation is fundamental.

We are constantly working to ensure our deliverability service. Provide your email marketing campaigns the opportunity to reach the inbox.


audiencia cualificada Qualified audience: Always apply the concept of "qualified audience" that allows us to invest in a tool that allows users to ensure proper security solutions.


autentificacion de email Authentication email: Email authentication allows our customers to prove who they seem. The platform uses technologies such as Sender ID and DomainKeys / DKIM to protect their reputation and improve deliverability call.  


certificados de seguridad SSL Security Certificates: All data is stored on our servers behind a firewall on constant maintenance. Our servers are secured by additional access restrictions, and SSL certificates deguridad.  


Bucle de retroalimentacion Feed Back loop integration: GMK Press is part of the feedback loop of the ISP such as Yahoo, Hotmail and AOL. We can detect if a subscriber is marked as spam, and remove them from your list automatically.  


Seguimiento de entrega Delivery Tracking:  GMK Press use a series of tools to control our inbox which allows us to identify potential problems and react immediately delivery. Asmismo, our team constantly updated information sources on the blacklists.


Procesos de aprobación Approval Process: Before sending a single campaign, each new customer is reviewed by our team to ensure they meet the criteria for general approval of both the content of e-mail privacy.


Sistema modular Modular system: GMK Press presente an application from a modular system concept, constantly evolving to provide a solid platform and effectively in all aspects. A modular system of growth that facilitates the development of new options for email marketing.


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